19 Dec 2023

The future of Defense in Europe

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2023-12-19T16:32:33+01:0019 December 2023|Categories: Vlog|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

The integration of the military industry, the shortfall in drills, inattentive public opinion on the issue of security, the chimera of common defense: the discussion of the panel "The Future of Defense in Europe" at the 2023 Machiavelli Defense Conference.

20 Nov 2023

II MACHIAVELLI DEFENSE CONFERENCE: Lessons from the Russian-Ukrainian War

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2024-01-21T16:59:49+01:0020 November 2023|Categories: |Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Il conflitto in corso tra Russia e Ucraina rivela come stia cambiando la natura odierna della guerra. Ci sono tante lezioni che nazioni come l'Italia debbono studiare e apprendere, per essere pronte ad affrontare le sfide del futuro.

11 Apr 2023

Countering illegal immigration: we need a European special representative

Di Nicola De Felice|2023-04-11T09:19:29+02:0011 April 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Immigrazione e Demografia|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

The EU, at the proposal of the Italian government, should designate a special appointee to use all instruments of national and international power against the connection between modern slavery, human trafficking and illegal immigration.

9 Mar 2023

A European action to counter illegal immigration

Di Nicola De Felice|2023-03-09T10:25:25+01:009 March 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Immigrazione e Demografia|Tag: , |0 Commenti

Italy should adopt certain courses of action that must be concerted with the EU, the UN, the states of origin and transit of migrants as well as the flag states of NGO ships, shifting from national to multinational organizational and legal dimensions.

3 Feb 2023

This is how the Meloni government is relaunching Italy's Mediterranean policy

Di Nicola De Felice|2023-02-03T15:13:28+01:003 February 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

Italy, stretched out in the Mediterranean, looked like a sleeping giant. Two facts intervened to sound the alarm: the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Right leading a new national government. It was immediately apparent that a different wind was blowing, a broader and more pragmatic vision.

15 Dec 2022

The interview with NICOLA DE FELICE

Di Silvia Roberto e Nicola De Felice|2022-12-15T18:46:54+01:0015 December 2022|Categories: Vlog|Tag: , , |0 Commenti

In the new episode of "The Interview," SILVIA ROBERTO meets Admiral Nicola DE FELICE, Senior Fellow at the Centro Studi Machiavelli and author of the book "Stop the Invasion - The Reasons for the Naval Blockade". She talks with him about the many problems related to illegal immigration and possible solutions to be implemented.

11 Dec 2022

The interview with NICOLA DE FELICE

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2022-12-11T15:13:59+01:0011 December 2022|Categories: |Tag: , , |0 Commenti

In the new episode of "The Interview," SILVIA ROBERTO meets Admiral Nicola DE FELICE, Senior Fellow at the Centro Studi Machiavelli and author of the book "Stop the Invasion - The Reasons for the Naval Blockade". She talks with him about the many problems related to illegal immigration and possible solutions to be implemented.

28 Nov 2022

Refugee relocation is a trap for Italy

Di Nicola De Felice|2022-11-28T12:43:45+01:0028 November 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Immigrazione e Demografia|Tag: , |0 Commenti

If Italy agreed to let all NGO ships land in its ports, thinking then to redistribute them in Europe, it would on the one hand see the vast majority of landed people remaining in Italy and on the other increase the flow of illegals driven by the idea of easy relocation to other European countries.

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