Centro Studi Machiavelli is an association of social promotion (APS), based on the principles of patriotism and preservation of tradition, which wants to promote - through research and dissemination - the involvement of citizens in politics and in the management of public affairs.
Since its foundation, the Machiavelli has acted as an interface between civil society and politics, encouraging the adoption of policies inspired by our guiding values.
Becoming a member means being part of this project, supporting it and helping to direct its action towards the areas you consider most important.
Any person of age may apply to become a member. The annual membership fee is € 100. If you want to become a member of the Machiavelli, please fill in the fields below:
Now all you have to do is press "Send": we will contact you back with instructions to finalize the association. There is still time to change your mind. If you wish to have more information first, contact us or read the FAQs below.
Questo formulario raccoglie il tuo nome e il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Premendo “Invia”, esprimi il consenso al trattamento dei tuoi dati personali. Per saperne di più, leggi l’informativa in materia di dati personali.
The "Centro di Studi Politici e Strategici Machiavelli" is an A.P.S. (association of social promotion). It is a third sector, non-profit organization that carries out activities of education, training, culture and promotion of political rights. According to its Statute, it is inspired by the values of democracy, patriotism, preservation of national traditions.
The Member is required to pay the annual membership fee (€ 100), under penalty of exclusion from the Association.
From a legal standpoint, the Member as such is neither personally nor financially liable for obligations or any conduct assumed by the Association.
The Member has the right to elect and be elected in the social organs. He has the right to participate in the Assembly, where the fundamental decisions concerning the Association are taken.
This is a great way to support us: most of the Machiavelli's income comes from membership fees. At the same time, it guarantees the supporter, who has become a member, to be an active part of our project. Through his or her participation and vote, the supporter will also be able to direct the project towards the areas he or she considers most important. Finally, it is precisely having a wide membership that allows Machiavelli to be a lively and responsive reality, in direct contact with society, its desires and its expectations.
Very simple: you can make one or more donations by clicking here. Even a single donation of any amount will be useful, but please consider donating at least 100 euros (equal to the membership fee) and/or making recurring donations, which allow us to better plan our activities.