Leading Washington think tanks welcome Centro Studi Machiavelli
The Machiavelli Study Center recently completed a mission to the U.S., in Washington, D.C., in order to promote coordination with some of the world's leading think tanks.
The Machiavelli Study Center recently completed a mission to the U.S., in Washington, D.C., in order to promote coordination with some of the world's leading think tanks.
Centro Studi Machiavelli - with President Daniele Scalea and Vice President Guglielmo Picchi - participated in CPAC 2023 - Conservative Political Action Conference - held in Budapest on May 4 and 5. CPAC is the major meeting of conservative and national movements in the Western world.
The intense Hungarian days are a reminder of the importance of rallying and bringing together exponents of the global Right, in order to build cooperation networks and synergies, developing thinking and strategies through debate.
Progressives are threatening the entire Western civilization, and the real danger comes not from outside but from within. Hungary is the laboratory where we tested the antidote to the progressives' domination. The remedy is open-source, free and includes twelve points.
Donald Trump ha scelto l’ultima Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) per tornare in campo. L’ex presidente ha infatti tenuto in quell’occasione il suo primo discorso pubblico da quando ha lasciato la Casa Bianca. Un discorso significativo, che ha evidenziato la sua strategia politica per il futuro.