Leading Washington think tanks welcome Centro Studi Machiavelli
The Machiavelli Study Center recently completed a mission to the U.S., in Washington, D.C., in order to promote coordination with some of the world's leading think tanks.
The Machiavelli Study Center recently completed a mission to the U.S., in Washington, D.C., in order to promote coordination with some of the world's leading think tanks.
In connection with the Italian-Hungarian summit of conservative think tanks held in Budapest on October 16, the presentation of the Magyar translation of "Immigrazione. Le ragioni dei populisti" by Daniele Scalea and an interview on the portal of the Center for Fundamental Rights with the president of the Centro Studi Machiavelli was taken up by the Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet. Here is a translation of the article.
Centro Studi Machiavelli participated in the think tank summit held in Budapest on October 16. The meeting was organized by the Budapest Center for Fundamental Rights, Alapjogokért Központ.
The first conference of Italian and Hungarian conservative think-tanks was held in Rome. It was an initiative sponsored by the Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies, aimed at promoting strategic collaboration between the two countries.
Le fondazioni di centro-destra devono alimentare il dibattito, portare idee ed entusiasmo, essere decisive e indispensabili per i futuri assetti. Il Centro-Destra ha bisogno di idee e contenuti, altrimenti rischia di essere un contenitore vuoto.
La Destra soffre di un vero e proprio snobismo nei confronti delle realtà metapolitiche, il che è assurdo se si considera quante ce ne siano. Non c'è volontà di promuovere e costruire una base culturale solida ed efficace.