Woke weekly bullettin #11
Wales and Taiwan embrace cancel culture; Germany, trans law but not too much; no humor, we're British; Canada: NHS pays for operation to become hermaphrodite.
Wales and Taiwan embrace cancel culture; Germany, trans law but not too much; no humor, we're British; Canada: NHS pays for operation to become hermaphrodite.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine, among the dozens of geopolitical consequences it generated, also prompted a spontaneous question: what if China, taking advantage of the West's distraction, attempted a snap invasion of Taiwan in order to crown its 70-year dream of Marxist conquest of the "rebellious" island?
Given what is happening in North Korea, one can hardly understand the logic guiding WHO's decisions. It seems necessary to support Taiwan's inclusion in WHO to enable it to fully participate in the mechanisms and activities.
A Taiwan invaded and in the hands of People's China would give Beijing worldwide control of electronics manufacturing. For now, Chinese President Xi draws "red lines", such as the one he has indicated as not surmountable, in recent days, for the visit to Taipei of the speaker of the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi.
Analisi e commento della situazione in Ucraina. Interviene il Generale (aus.) Giuseppe Morabito assieme al presidente Daniele Scalea del Centro Studi Machiavelli.
The situation between China and Taiwan certainly remains tense despite the fact that the context is quite different from the Ukrainian one. Both Asian countries are well aware of potential developments in Europe. In the meantime, the media-propaganda war is already underway and it is to be hoped that it will not go beyond that.
Russian military aggression is an indicator of what could happen. Authoritarian powers may become convinced that the time has come to reshape the world by taking advantage of the weakness shown by Biden.
Mentre la Cina sta cercando di mettersi al passo con gli Stati Uniti e altri attori su una serie di fronti tecnologici, farmaceutici e agricoli, l'industria dei semiconduttori è un buon esempio di come potrebbero andare le cose.
Con Paolo Formentini (deputato Lega, vice-presidente della Commissione Esteri). Il Governo Conte II sembra aver individuato nella Cina il nuovo alleato di riferimento. La Rai fa propaganda pro-Pechino. Ma ci si può fidare di un regime comunista che ha pure pesanti responsabilità nella pandemia in corso?