Le wokkate della settimana. Bollettino n. 22
Dalla Jaguar stinta al Natale neutrale, dagli ormoni per i minorenni a Re Artù queer, dallo scontro fra cani infedeli e maomettani ai quadri del 10 di Downing Street, tutto il peggio del wokeismo
Dalla Jaguar stinta al Natale neutrale, dagli ormoni per i minorenni a Re Artù queer, dallo scontro fra cani infedeli e maomettani ai quadri del 10 di Downing Street, tutto il peggio del wokeismo
Initiative against censorship censored; UK: ask males if they are “pregnant” before X-rays; Marylin statue is “sexist”; Wales: towns are racist and colonialist too! A statue slaughter is being prepared in San Francisco.
Chicago goes back to paying cops, coincidentally decreasing crime; private jets are not a problem for the environment (your car is); is a trans person or an Islamic woman more discriminated against? Cinema rapes Roman history with color-blind casting.
Straight pride? Fired! Are you male? You can get tested for uterine cancer. No Dante for the New Italians. Rome's subway sucks, but at least it's rainbow. No one dare say "terrorist" to ISIS. Let's decolonize the history of Wales, with its dirty miners who supplied coal to British imperialism!
Wales and Taiwan embrace cancel culture; Germany, trans law but not too much; no humor, we're British; Canada: NHS pays for operation to become hermaphrodite.
Here comes the Universitess of Trento, Catechism outlawed in France, Trans visibility day, best wishes to all but only English speakers, free castration for Starbucks workers, Rowling VS Scottish woke regime, 1 to 0.
Wokeism bulletin, 5th episode. The Sistine Chapel supremacist, Puccini sexist, Japanese not black enough, Biden being reprimanded once he doesn't get a term wrong, variable geometry freedom of speech for Italian academics.
Wokeism bulletin, 4th episode. From Berlin masturbation classes to the inclusive wage gap, from pedo-testimonials to removed monuments, from trans ley to consensual statues.
Forse perché ormai non ha molto da perdere (i milioni di libri li ha già venduti), JK Rowling ha deciso di insistere nella critica all'ideologia transgender. Assistiamo dunque all'implosione della coalizione progressista, dove femministe e mondo LGBT sono ormai ai ferri corti.