Woke weekly bullettin #20
Initiative against censorship censored; UK: ask males if they are “pregnant” before X-rays; Marylin statue is “sexist”; Wales: towns are racist and colonialist too! A statue slaughter is being prepared in San Francisco.
Initiative against censorship censored; UK: ask males if they are “pregnant” before X-rays; Marylin statue is “sexist”; Wales: towns are racist and colonialist too! A statue slaughter is being prepared in San Francisco.
Germany: pronoun “wrong”? It's €10K; whether the Biden administration is more extremist than WPATH; Elon Musk and his trans son; decolonizing Greek philosophers; British Empire? Literally the Third Reich in bowler hat.
Ethnic replacement is far from a conspiracy theory, as Britain's demographics show. And meanwhile, the first act of the new British government is to halt deportations of illegal immigrants...
The Home Office in London has raised the alarm about the threat of Islamic terrorism brought by radical Pakistani preachers, some of whom have recently been arrested and convicted.
The British government's Prevent program has a list of books that can lead the reader to radicalize and become a "white supremacist": G.K. Chesterton, Aldous Huxley, J.R.R. Tolkien, Joseph Conrad, C.S. Lewis, and George Orwell!
The querelle between two powerful "rights" organizations is about to reach its final chapter: the lawsuit filed in the United Kingdom by the Mermaids Association against the LGB Alliance. How is it possible that two entities apparently on the same "rainbow" front ended up battling in court?
In June, a bill was introduced in the British House of Commons to make changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol, following the identification of several critical issues that have prevented Northern Irish citizens from enjoying the same benefits granted to the rest of the United Kingdom.
Who is Boris Johnson really? What led him to govern the United Kingdom in such a delicate phase of its history, between the exit from the EU and the pandemic? These questions are answered by journalist Daniele Meloni with "Boris Johnson. The Rise of the Conservative Leader and the UK Post-Brexit."
The British experience can also be a lesson for the Italian right, which has been declining in popularity for some years. Johnson's problem is the same as Salvini's: a disappointed and demoralized electorate.