Cosa sono i Non Crime Hate Incident (AKA “psicoreati”)
Le maglie dei cosiddetti Non Crime Hate Incident in UK si stringono sempre di più, creando fattispecie che somigliano in maniera inquietante agli "psicoreati" di orwelliana memoria...
Le maglie dei cosiddetti Non Crime Hate Incident in UK si stringono sempre di più, creando fattispecie che somigliano in maniera inquietante agli "psicoreati" di orwelliana memoria...
The Liberal International wants a crackdown on free speech on the Internet. A single chorus cries from Washington to London to Brussels, under the guise of fighting "disinformation," an evanescent fact that can be defined for the use and consumption of those posing as judge, jury and hangman.
Throughout the West, the main emergency is the attack on freedom of thought and speech. The Machiavelli joins the iSpeak campaign to raise awareness of this serious threat to our constitutional rights.
In Germany, a girl was sentenced to prison for expressing "hate" online toward a group of rapists. Who are instead on the loose or have had very light sentences....
Nathan Cofnas, an American researcher at Cambridge University, risks the axe of censorship for expressing "heretical" theses on the differences between human races
Cases of teachers and intellectuals being attacked for their ideas are multiplying. The conservatives should defend them, indiscriminately and apart from matter, in the name of its traditions of freedom and a far-reaching anti-Wokeism strategy.
By invoking censorship against Roberto Vannacci's book, organizations such as the CGIL and ANPI only confirm the General's thesis: the left continually creates an upside-down world.
NGO representatives disrupted the screening of a critical documentary. An affair that once again represents the intolerance of a specific political side, and the need for a law to protect freedom of expression, such as the one recently proposed by the Machiavelli Center.
Freedom of speech is a pivotal principle of liberal democracies. Unfortunately, current Italian legislation does not provide effective protection. We propose to establish the new crime "Violence or threat to prevent public meetings or meetings open to the public."