Woke weekly bullettin #7
Lawyers purged, gay birds, dinosaurs as well, anti-white archdeaconesses. Then the triumph of the conspiracists: Germany unleashes climate lockdowns while the Anglosphere goes wild with many, many laws against free speech.
Lawyers purged, gay birds, dinosaurs as well, anti-white archdeaconesses. Then the triumph of the conspiracists: Germany unleashes climate lockdowns while the Anglosphere goes wild with many, many laws against free speech.
China has realized the infinite potential of influencers, the opinion makers of the new generation, enlisting them in its two-headed struggle for global hegemony: nationalization of the masses at home, social meltdown in and around the West.
There are two different types of homosexuality: the attraction that, for mainly physiological reasons, a minority of people feel toward subjects of the same sex and homosexuality as a political project.
In the UK, early stances are beginning to be taken against the intrusiveness of gender theory into civic life and the Law, starting with the government and - amazing to say - the university.
The querelle between two powerful "rights" organizations is about to reach its final chapter: the lawsuit filed in the United Kingdom by the Mermaids Association against the LGB Alliance. How is it possible that two entities apparently on the same "rainbow" front ended up battling in court?
Two news reports in recent hours bring to the forefront the issue of the ongoing attempt to "normalize" pedophilia.
Let progressives carry out their Pride Month. Which is also a choice of moderation, tolerance and liberal spirit. But counterpose it with our own Pride Month. Certainly not pride in the new fluid and uprooted (trans)human type, but on the contrary pride in our roots.
It is time to counter LGBT intolerance with genuine cultural and civic resistance in the name of freedom of expression and conscience, without fear and without trying to please those who would have us subjugated and silent.
Dopo la decisione di crearne una versione cinese e una di colore, di recente si è deciso che Superman dovesse diventare bisessuale. La trama lo vede pure sbilanciato a favore di cause care ai progressisti. Ed è solo l’ultimo caso di una lista di stravolgimenti in chiave LGBT dei supereroi "DC Comics"