Dinner invitation with the philosopher
Fifteen great thinkers are invited to a special banquet. What follows is an intriguing journey around their culinary tastes, encapsulated in the book "Dinner Invitation with the Philosopher" by Franco Banchi.
Fifteen great thinkers are invited to a special banquet. What follows is an intriguing journey around their culinary tastes, encapsulated in the book "Dinner Invitation with the Philosopher" by Franco Banchi.
The fiscal decree being finalized by the government contains measures in line with one of the five pillars suggested in the analysis produced by the Machiavelli Study Center.
This conference aimed to shed light on the condition of women in Iran and to understand what the possible outcome of the protests will be. The panelists are Irene Testa, journalist and radical activist, and Magdi Cristiano Allam, journalist and essayist.
Taiwan's TSMC is planning and considering opening a new manufacturing plant in Europe. The choice on where to locate it is between Europe's two most important manufacturing economies, Germany and Italy.
With the cost of energy becoming more and more onerous, it is necessary to look without prejudice at the development of new plants, starting with those from renewable sources. In Tuscany there are already several wind farms and other projects are in progress (such as the one that concerns Mugello).
With the cost of energy becoming more and more onerous, it is necessary to look without prejudice at the development of new plants, starting with those from renewable sources. In Tuscany there are already several wind farms and other projects are in progress (such as the one that concerns Mugello).
The Italian economy, after the dramatic fall in GDP in 2020 at the height of the pandemic crisis and the significant, but still partial, recovery in 2021, is going through a very delicate phase, in which GDP growth is losing momentum and is falling short of the forecasts made by the Government and leading analysts.
Sempre più inchieste e rapporti istituzionali e delle forze dell’ordine evidenziano il preoccupante fenomeno dell’infiltrazione mafiosa in Toscana,. Tanto che di recente è stata varata una commissione d’inchiesta.
Episodio 2 di “Istorie Toscane”, con in diretta ELISA MONTEMAGNI, capogruppo della Lega in Consiglio regionale, e FABIO AMENDOLARA, giornalista de "La Verità".