Daniele Scalea on Italian talk show: “Giving away citizenship will not integrate young foreigners”
Daniel Scalea spoke on the September 26 episode of PiazzaPulita to reiterate the Centro Studi Machiavelli's positions on ius scholae and immigration.
Daniel Scalea spoke on the September 26 episode of PiazzaPulita to reiterate the Centro Studi Machiavelli's positions on ius scholae and immigration.
The obvious failure of integration policies puts more and more women and young people at risk of radicalization, right within schools. Thus ius scholae is a Trojan horse, not a tool for cultural assimilation.
Despite the subordinate role provided by Islam, radicalized circles recruit many women, with mental plagiarization mechanisms similar to those of religious sects.
The end of French dominance in Africa opens many questions: from geopolitical ones to the issue of the millions of immigrants to Europe from former French colonies, who have not integrated and risk becoming a social bomb.
Unlike most Western European countries to date, Italy has not experienced any large-scale jihadist attacks and appears to have lower levels of radicalization. This is a relative advantage, however, destined to disappear in a short time due to multiple changes.
Unlike most Western European countries to date, Italy has not experienced any large-scale jihadist attacks and appears to have lower levels of radicalization. This is a relative advantage, however, destined to disappear in a short time due to multiple changes.
Sta svanendo un vantaggio tutto italiano: l'assenza di seconde e terze generazioni d'immigrati con elevato tasso di radicalizzazione jihadista. Quali contromisure bisogna prendere?
La Commissione Segre non mira davvero a contrastare l'antisemitismo (pregiudizio diffuso negli ambienti culturali che l'hanno promossa), bensì a imporre il pensiero unico e la sua neolingua nella discussione sull'immigrazione.
Secondo gli esperti si starebbe sottovalutando il problema del terrorismo "domestico". Un errore comune è credere che la radicalizzazione derivi dalla mancata integrazione. Per l'Italia lo scoglio da superare sarà quello delle seconde generazioni musulmane.