Unlike most Western European countries to date, Italy has not experienced any large-scale jihadist attacks and appears to have lower levels of radicalization. This is a relative advantage, however, destined to disappear in a short time due to multiple changes.
Ne ha parlato SILVIA ROBERTO con SARA BRZUSZKIEWICZ, autrice del dossier Jihadist Radicalization in Italy: Unprecedented Risks and Possible Countermeasures, nella nuova puntata de “L’intervista”.
Ricercatrice per ITSTIME, Università Cattolica di Milano. È stata per quattro anni caporedattrice di European Eye on Radicalizatione precedentemente ha fatto ricerca ad al-Mesbar Studies & Research Center (Dubai, EAU) e come visiting researcher nel Program on Extremism della George Washington University (Washington D.C.).
Journalist, news anchor, event presenter. Social media strategist, political communication consultant. Graduate in Political Science and International Relations with masters in Broadcast Journalism and Criminology.
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