Unlike most Western European countries to date, Italy has not experienced any large-scale jihadist attacks and appears to have lower levels of radicalization. This is a relative advantage, however, destined to disappear in a short time due to multiple changes.

Ne ha parlato SILVIA ROBERTO con SARA BRZUSZKIEWICZ, autrice del dossier Jihadist Radicalization in Italy: Unprecedented Risks and Possible Countermeasures, nella nuova puntata de “L’intervista”.

Sara Brzuszkiewicz
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Ricercatrice per ITSTIME, Università Cattolica di Milano. È stata per quattro anni caporedattrice di European Eye on Radicalizatione precedentemente ha fatto ricerca ad al-Mesbar Studies & Research Center (Dubai, EAU) e come visiting researcher nel Program on Extremism della George Washington University (Washington D.C.). 

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Journalist, news anchor, event presenter. Social media strategist, political communication consultant. Graduate in Political Science and International Relations with masters in Broadcast Journalism and Criminology.