How do cognitive operations, the last frontier of hybrid wars, work? How is a society's information environment attacked to sow discord and weaken it? And what role do social media play in the consensus forging and mass manipulation?
We talk about this and much more in the new episode of "The Interview" where SILVIA ROBERTO talks with EMANUEL PIETROBON, geopolitical analyst and author of the dossier "Cognitive Warfare - the new hybrid threat" published on our website.

Emanuel Pietrobon
Geopolitical analyst, foreign policy consultant and author. Graduate in Area and global studies for international cooperation (University of Turin), educated between Italy, Poland, Portugal and Russia. Specialized in hybrid warfare, Latin American issues and post-Soviet space.

Silvia Roberto
Journalist, news anchor, event presenter. Social media strategist, political communication consultant. Graduate in Political Science and International Relations with masters in Broadcast Journalism and Criminology.
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