Circa Giulio Maria Sibona

Graduated in Law, specialized in agri-food law as a strategic Italian sector of the economy. Passionate about politics, history, philosophy, spirituality. For over 10 years he has been writing about national and international politics, about the transformations that the world is experiencing.
28 Jun 2023

Three illustrious deads and the future of the West

Di Giulio Maria Sibona|2023-07-04T14:18:22+02:0028 June 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni|Tag: , , , , , |0 Commenti

Elizabeth II of Windsor, Pope Ratzinger and Silvio Berlusconi: three protagonists of our times and interpreters - in their own way - of political, institutional and spiritual traditions with deep roots. They passed away within a few months, and now the world is different.

5 Oct 2022

Brazil, polls flop: Bolsonaro withstands first red assault

Di Giulio Maria Sibona|2022-10-05T09:55:27+02:005 October 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Politica estera|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

Polls that gave Lula an easy winner in the first round are a flop. Bolsonaro advances to the runoff as the nationalist front wins a majority in Parliament.

15 Feb 2022

It's easy to say presidentialism: here are all the possible variants

Di Giulio Maria Sibona|2022-02-15T11:59:40+01:0015 February 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , , , |0 Commenti

The outcome of the recent elections for the Quirinal has sparked a discussion about the possible direct election of the President of the Republic. But this would open multiple scenarios in a parliamentary republic like ours. Elected referee, semi-presidentialism, presidentialism or premierate?

14 Oct 2021

Non possiamo perdere la vittoria: riorganizzare il Centro-Destra prima del 2023

Di Giulio Maria Sibona|2021-10-14T16:20:40+02:0014 October 2021|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Politica interna|Tag: , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Dopo 10 anni di Sinistra (declinata in tutti i possibili aspetti: riformista, liberale ecc), se non è il Paese è la stessa idea di democrazia a richiedere che ci sia una alternanza. Formare un governo potrà essere estremamente difficile, ma non ci si potrà permettere una sconfitta.

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