"Italy standing tall:" Giorgia Meloni's program speech
Full translation of the programmatic declarations of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni requesting the vote of confidence in the Chamber of Deputies on October 26, 2022.
Full translation of the programmatic declarations of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni requesting the vote of confidence in the Chamber of Deputies on October 26, 2022.
The magnitude of the threats on the horizon demands a constitution close to the presidential model, abandoning regionalist ambitions and giving more powers to the president, accompanied by an electoral law that ensures governability.
The outcome of the recent elections for the Quirinal has sparked a discussion about the possible direct election of the President of the Republic. But this would open multiple scenarios in a parliamentary republic like ours. Elected referee, semi-presidentialism, presidentialism or premierate?
Giano Accame si impegnò negli anni ’60 a fianco di Nuova Repubblica del partigiano Randolfo Pacciardi e dialogò con Craxi negli anni ‘80, lanciando l’idea di “socialismo tricolore”, che all’amore per la Nazione coniugava una spiccata attenzione per i temi sociali
In Italia, da Pertini in poi, si è progressivamente affermato un presidenzialismo de facto, la cui natura è secondo alcuni oligarchica. Esso funge cioè da contrappeso dall'alto alle pulsioni popolari dell'elettorato.