In its first Annual Defense Conference (July 13 in Rome), the Centro Studi Machiavelli wants to promote a debate on the theme, "Increasing Military Spending. Imagining the Defense of the Future."
In its first Annual Defense Conference (July 13 in Rome), the Centro Studi Machiavelli wants to promote a debate on the theme, "Increasing Military Spending. Imagining the Defense of the Future."
Part of managing a crisis is preventing a conflict through political strategies of deterrence aimed at containing the confrontation itself. Only with this capability can Italy consider itself a free, independent, true nation.
Lessons learned from Ukraine for operations conducted by the Italian Armed Forces in an international theater of operations: the tasks that the Carabinieri Corps upholds for local security become essential.
What is needed is a flexible, versatile, highly projectable, high readiness, interoperable, and of high political value air force. The air force must pursue capabilities to train, exercise, and operate effectively in a joint force framework.
Per lo Stato italiano, lo spazio prevalente è il mare. Eppure abbiamo una Marina cenerentola tra le Forze Armate, sia in termini di personale sia di spesa.
Proprio in questi giorni il Sahel è tornato alla ribalta per la notizia di un imminente invio di militari italiani nell'ambito della Task Force Takuba a guida francese, schierata nella regione di Liptako al confine tra Niger, Mali e Burkina Faso.