The year 2022 is coming to its conclusion and, as usual, it is time to explore which were the most read articles on our blog in the past twelve months. So here are the ten favorites of our readers, in ascending order of readings.


10. peschiera garda violenza anti bianchiThe moral instigators of Peschiera

Two years ago commenting on the Black Lives Matter riots in the U.S., I wrote, "Today the fire blazes across the Atlantic, soon it may do so at home if we fail to take countermeasures." What happened recently in Peschiera del Garda seems to prove me right. (Daniele Scalea) :::read


9. criminalità pistola insicurezzaThis is how unchecked immigration has led us to a security crisis

According to the latest Ismu report as of January 1, 2021, there were 5,756,000 foreigners in Italy. Thus, 8.45 percent of the resident population who commit 30 percent of crimes show a propensity to crime about four times higher than Italians.  (Lorenza Formicola) :::read


8. guerraNo European army would withstand a conflict like the Russian-Ukrainian one

For months there has been debate in Europe around the shortcomings that have emerged in the Russian military apparatus. But no European and perhaps Western armed forces today would seem capable of sustaining such a conventional conflict militarily or even politically and socially. (Gianandrea Gaiani) :::read


7. presepe presepioNativity scene? Here's what's happening in Italian preschools

It happens in a Rome preschool. Some teachers at the municipal institution seized and hid from view a Nativity scene that a little girl had brought for her classmates. Teachers and janitors locked themselves in a stubborn secrecy. (Emanuele Mastrangelo) :::read


6. gender transgenderThe book explaining why gender theory is anti-scientific

A recent (August 2020) and valuable attempt to refute gender pseudo-science is the book "The end of gender. Debunking the myths about sex and identity in our society" by Debra Soh. (Daniele Scalea) :::read


5. sorveglianza sistema credito socialeIt is spelled "Citizen wallet," it is read "Social credit." And it has arrived in Italy

As timely as taxes, yet another prediction by the "conspiracy theorists" turned out to be correct: Italy will lead the way and serve as a test case in Europe for the introduction of a social credit system, where citizens will be rewarded for their "good behavior." (Emanuele Mastrangelo) :::read


4. pedobear pedofiliaPedophilia is trying to pass through Overton's window

The latest hiring decided by the Moore Center for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at Johns Hopkins University has caused a stir. Are we facing a classic case of the "Overton window"? (Daniele Scalea) :::read


3. balenciaga pedopornografia peluche bdsmBalenciaga goofed on BDSM plush bears and child porn hints

If you only get your information from the mainstream media, chances are you are wondering what is going on with the Balenciaga fashion brand. Children? Child abuse? What is the statement released by Balenciaga referring to? And why did it empty its Instagram profile? (Daniele Scalea) :::read


2. cantante musicaSo much for Eurovision. Here are 12 famous right-wing singers (of yesterday and today)

Eurovision does nothing but reinforce the stereotype that singers (at least successful ones) are always and only progressive. Yet there have been and are many music artists who are openly right-wing. (Nathan Greppi) :::read


1. videogiochiScott Cawthon: video game creator forced to retire because he's conservative

Developer Scott Cawthon, with a successful career behind him, retired from gaming in June 2021 following attacks and threats he received online for the sole "fault" of being a Republican. (Nathan Greppi) :::read

The most read report of 2022

Also in the past year, the Machiavelli Center has published a series of dossiers and reports to deepen, mobilize and address. Here is what was the most widely read of the year.

quale strategia per una nuova difesa

What strategy for a new Defense

In Dossier No. 37, Nicola De Felice discussed the political-strategic lines along which Italy must reorganize its Defense, in light of both the Russian-Ukrainian war and the expected increase in military spending. The proposal is to put the Mediterranean at the center, with a strategy inserted but autonomous from that of NATO and the EU. This strategy should include a deterrence capability toward potential adversaries.  :::read

The most viewed video of 2022

We conclude this review by re-proposing our most viewed video of the past year. Enjoy!

Now what?

We try to make sure that our articles are always analytical and deep enough to be an interesting read even years later. So, you might also be interested in going back and rereading what were the most popular articles in 2021, in 2020 and in 2019 (the year we opened our "Belfablog").

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