Van Cliburn: when music warmed the Cold War
In the height of the Cold War, an American pianist was honored in Moscow because culture was a “free zone” even in times of conflict. A lesson for our time.
In the height of the Cold War, an American pianist was honored in Moscow because culture was a “free zone” even in times of conflict. A lesson for our time.
Competition among great powers has landed in the Holy Land.It is suggested, indeed substantiated, by the fact that Hamas' surprise war against Israel would not have been possible without the support of Russia, Iran and China.
The rise of controlled nuclear fusion could lead to "clean" H-bombs capable of challenging deterrence between superpowers. However, a monopoly, even a temporary one, by democracies could ensure years of peace.
The State Security Commissariat (better known as the KGB) was founded in 1954. For 37 years it was the USSR's best-known secret service; but it was disbanded shortly after the failed coup against Gorbačëv in the summer of 1991 involving senior KGB leaders.
Oggi Cuba è allo stremo, la popolazione è ai limiti della rivoluzione ed il regime è agli sgoccioli. Perché il regime castrista è entrato nella sua ultima crisi proprio all'inizio degli anni '20 del XXI secolo?
Quali soluzioni sono possibili per garantire pace e sicurezza ad Israele? Chi scrive crede che ve ne sia essenzialmente solo una: un trasferimento di popolazione, ovvero disegnare un confine netto per poi spostare a Gaza, in alcune parti della Cisgiordania e nel Sinai (che è essenzialmente vuoto) il grosso dei palestinesi.