31 May 2023

Ethnic substitution. A geopolitical perspective

Di Emilio Pietro De Feo|2023-05-31T17:35:09+02:0031 May 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Immigrazione e Demografia|Tag: , , , , , |1 Commento

Ethnic groups exist and the Italian one exists. It is not possible to eliminate this concept from the political debate, and many Italian and foreign commentators, French in particular, have dealt with this issue without abandoning discussion of its thorniest corollary: the ethnic replacement of European peoples

29 May 2023

The quest for an Italian identity

Di Gioacchino La Rocca|2023-05-29T14:32:31+02:0029 May 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni|Tag: , , , , , , |0 Commenti

The quest for Italian identity is a political necessity in the fight against forces that aim to deconstruct the nation, but it must avoid wishful thinking and confusion, without indulging in nineteenth-century nostalgia

18 Nov 2019

FERGOLA| La falsa contrapposizione tra Patria e Nazione

Di Centro Studi Machiavelli|2019-11-18T16:02:41+01:0018 November 2019|Categories: Commenti e opinioni|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

Va di modo contrapporre il concetto di "Patria", visto come positivo, a quello di "Nazione", descritto come negativo in quanto fascista e razzista. In realtà negare la Nazione serve a eludere qualsiasi definizione etno-culturale della comunità.

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