
The press conference of the Italian branch of the European consortium MBDA, a leading missile manufacturer, was held on March 22. As stated in the MBDA Italy press release, the press conference was a key moment to take stock of the 2023 consolidation and new European defense challenges. At the European level, MBDA's various subsidiaries achieved revenues of 4.5 billion euros in 2023, with an order backlog of 28 billion, one half of which is in exports (considering as exports those outside the European countries that are members of the joint venture: Italy, France, UK, Germany and Spain).

Among the highlights is the order for the Italian-French Aster missiles that will go to all Italian armed forces. The Aster are a family of surface-to-air missiles intended for the neutralization of all air threats: aircraft, drones, missiles of various types and, starting with the B1NT evolution, also medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs). The ASTERS are intended for both naval and land-based employment with SAMP/T batteries.

In the Italian case, the ASTERS will go to equip all armed forces, including the Air Force, which was not yet equipped, representing a double advantage both for greater standardization of our AAFs and in consolidating national production lines.

Regarding long-range air defense, in addition to the SAMPT/NG batteries, it is worth noting the entry into production of the Italian-British CAMM-ER missiles intended for the MAADS anti-aircraft system equipped with a range of 45 km. Relative to exports for MBDA Italy, deliveries of the Marte ER, Extended Range anti-ship missiles for the MCBS, Mobile Coastal Defense System, of Qatar, which also adopts them for its NH-90 helicopters, have been completed. Recently, also on the subject of the Mars ERs, the parliamentary process was started to equip the Navy's embarked helicopters, which already have the earlier versions of the Mars, with the ER version. The range of the Mars ERs is 100 km, and the missiles can also be mounted on Eurofighters.

This is as far as systems in production are concerned. Relative to the models under development, 2024 should see the first launches of the new Teseo MK2/E, an evolution of the Otomat anti-ship missile and also intended for use against surface targets. But work is already underway on a more advanced program: as of last June, Italy has in fact joined the Franco-British FC/ASW program, Future Cruise/Anti-Ship Weapon, intended to replace the various Storm Shadow/SCALP for use against land targets and the Exocet and Harpoon for anti-ship employment. Missile whose characteristics are not yet known (it could be a hypersonic, or favor maneuverability and very low altitude flight characteristics).

In 2023, the study for the V-SHORAD system intended for the Italian Army for Very Short Range Air Defense also began. The system under study may be vehicle-mounted and shoulder-mounted to replace older Stingers. While at the European level, MBDA is the lead partner in the HYDIS² HYpersonic Defense Interceptor Study consortium, which involves 14 European countries in the development of an air defense system against hypersonic missiles.

A portfolio of systems and orders that also demonstrate the vitality of Italian and European industry in this sector.

[photo: CC SA by 4.0 Bahnfrend]

Enrico Petrucci
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An essayist and popularizer, his publications include "Alessandro Blasetti. The forgotten father of Italian cinema" (Idrovolante, 2023). And with Emanuele Mastrangelo "Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia and the Hegemony of Information" (Bietti, 2013) and "Iconoclasm. The contagious insanity of the cancel culture that is destroying our history" (Eclectica, 2020).