
Scotland: spit against the wind cause too much is not enough

That to make feelings more important than facts was a bad idea on its own we have been saying for years. Even worse if feelings and self-perception become a parameter of law. That's what is happening in Scotland with the new anti-hate law that is overloading the police: by now we count over 8,000 complaints.

But for the wokeist front, instant karma has also arrived: giving the Scottish thinkpol regime a taste of its own medicine would be several dissident groups who, according to some media reports, are making extensive use of the law to overload the system, going so far as to denounce Premier Humza Yousaf himself for an old speech he made in 2020. The at the time Justice Secretary in the Sturgeon government had publicly complained that there were too many whites in positions of responsibility in Scotland (but Yousaf himself admitted that colored minorities in Scotland at the time were around 4 percent). (1) This was also highlighted by the BBC in an interview with Yousaf. He retorted that those who criticize his old speech are clearly right-wing extremists.

Considering the communication debacle, it started the usual media spin in which they try to explain how the focus on online hate speech has moved the law away from its original spirit of fighting everyday hate in the streets and in the workplace (2). Honestly, from those who have been observing the phenomenon for years, it seems clear that the purpose of the law was precisely to throw oil on the fire, otherwise one would not explain all the debate around "hate crime incidents outside the judicial perimeter."

If anything, the problem is that the law comes too late for the purposes of its promoters. That is, it comes into effect today when SJWs are in slight opposition, and especially the conservative area (if not politicians at least potential voters. See also the Irish case, where a large part of the parliament stood in favor of a similar law (3)) is beginning to be aware of the inherent dangers of this legislation, and is well disposed to retaliate against their creators.

Spin in Italy

In Italy, too, we are witnessing an attempt to redress a media spin on the affairs of Careggi, the Florence hospital where it operates a center for gender dysphoria that was the subject of a recent inspection after a request by parliamentarian Maurizio Gasparri (FI). Inspection that seems to have identified similar shortcomings to those already found in other cases such as Tavistock: namely that the prescription of puberty blockers would be made with minimal psychological assessments and in the absence of neuropsychiatric evaluations. Nothing new under the sun, and around Careggi again the spin starts: triptorelin would be a life-saving drug and its discontinuation could lead to the suicide of the dysphoric child. This is claimed by Repubblica and relaunched by Dagospia (4).

But this is the cornerstone of the narrative imposed by WPATH, whose "authority" has liquefied like ice cream on the dashboard of a car parked in the sun at mid-August after the WPATH files scandal. The association, which as the Guardian wrote and we reported in Bulletin No. 6 (5)

Despite its grand title, WPATH is neither solely a professional body – a significant proportion of its membership are activists – nor does it represent the “world” view on how to care for this group of people. There is no global agreement on best practice.

Again, we are likely to see the shit hit the fan.

Abstract art between the legs

And on the exponents of WPATH, perhaps even qualified and appropriately titled, it is worth pointing out a case that came to the news recently. One of its exponents proposes in order to overcome gender binarism to resort to plastic surgery to invent flat-out sexual features in the form of abstract art or flowers. Disturbing Japanese guro movie stuff.

This the tweet on X (6):

“Do we have to stick to penis & vagina norms? Can we have genitalia that looks like flowers or abstract sculpture? Can we have multiple? Can they be interchangeable?” -WPATH certified clinician Laura Jacobs, LCSW- WPATH SOC revision committee.

You understand very well that these people don't give a damn about the health of our children. What they care about is just trying to destroy reality. Yet according to the defenders of "gender reassignment" the WPATH would be the one dictating the state of the art on "medical science" in this area. We look forward to an honorary medical degree conferred on Shin'ya Tsukamoto.

United Kingdom. Is the gender tide finally turning back?

Meanwhile, in the UK, the Cass Review, or a scientific review of the procedures implemented at the Tavistock clinic, has been published. Review that highlighted what everyone knew and conceivably will lead to even more restrictive criteria in the affirmative approach on gender issues. Not only have they already blocked the prescription of puberty blockers for minors in the UK except in research cases, but the Cass Review found that even the administration of hormones for minors should be done with extreme caution (7). We will see if now the Italian domestic newspapers will give space to the news. Not least because this time even Stonewall Uk, the British nonprofit that has made transgenderism its banner for years, had to sketch and take positive note of the Cass review (8). And, as journalist Giovanni Dall'Orto points out on Facebook, Stonewall Uk has already been accused of transphobia for its statement!

Italy. O Milan, O the chanting quires

Three short news from Milan. Montanelli statue defaced again, purple this time, but the gesture has not been claimed. And the controversy over the statue of a motherhood/nursing proposed by the heirs of artist Vera Omodeo was rejected by the municipality because (9):

The sculpture represents values that are certainly respectable but not universally shared by all citizens, such as to discourage its inclusion in public space.

Meanwhile, employees of the regional council of the Lombardy region (center-right majority) will also be allowed to use the "alias career." Closer and closer to situations that effectively implement legislation like Spain's (10).

Laugh so you don't cry / 1 - That supremacist Verne

We conclude with two wokeshits that put people in a good mood. At the library of Britain's York St John University the Rees-Williams Collection of Children's Literature introduces new trigger warnings for J. M. Barrie, Lewis Carroll and Jules Verne. And yep, not just Alice and Peter Pan, which have already ended up in Disney Plus trigger warnings for Disney adaptations with the usual "dated representations." Now it's Jules Verne's turn, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with an Indian prince fighting against colonialist England is not enough. The French writer ends up in the meat grinder because he is guilty of colonialist narratives in Around the World in 80 Days, colonialist narratives, hence white supremacy (11).

Laugh so you don't cry / 2 - Did you just assume dodo's gender?!

Meanwhile, in Cambridge they try to "decolonize the dodo," as the Telegraph cleverly headlines (12). That is, analyze the University's botanical and zoological collections, as well as the history of these two branches of biology, from the perspective of postcolonial studies, including the legacies of enslavement and empire.

And of course "gender" cannot be missed. The Telegraph again reports that the senior fellow will investigate "the definition of species, animals and kinds relate to ideas of race, gender and other variables of identity".

Did we just assumed poor dodo's gender?!


For those who do not trust our word, here are links to the wokeshits we have featured in this bulletin.

  1. The Guardian – Police spammed with complaints by neo-Nazis under new Scottish hate crime law
  2. The Guardian – ‘The purpose is getting lost’: debate obscuring point of Scottish hate law, say campaigners
  3. Machiavelli – 'Thoughtcrime' arrives, and Ireland leads the way in Europe
  4. Repubblica – Dagospia – “Se bloccano il trattamento per la disforia di genere mia figlia si ammazza”
  5. Machiavelli – Bollettino N°6
  6. X – Genspect – 21 marzo 2024
  7. The Guardian – ‘Children are being used as a football’: Hilary Cass on her review of gender identity services
  8. X – Stonewall Uk – 10 aprile 2024
  9. Cultura Identità – No alla statua che allatta: vergogna woke a Milano
  10. Milano Today – La Regione Lombardia dice sì alle carriere alias
  11. The Telegraph – Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland given ‘white supremacy’ trigger warnings
  12. The Telegraph – Cambridge to ‘decolonise the dodo’ in taxpayer-backed project


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Editor of the Centro Studi Machiavelli “Belfablog,” Emanuele Mastrangelo is editor-in-chief of “CulturaIdentità” and has been editor-in-chief of “Storia in Rete” since 2006. A military-historical cartographer, he is the author of several books (with Enrico Petrucci, Iconoclastia. La pazzia contagiosa della cancel culture che sta distruggendo la nostra storia e Wikipedia. L'enciclopedia libera e l'egemonia dell'informazione).

Enrico Petrucci

An essayist and popularizer, his publications include "Alessandro Blasetti. The forgotten father of Italian cinema" (Idrovolante, 2023). And with Emanuele Mastrangelo "Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia and the Hegemony of Information" (Bietti, 2013) and "Iconoclasm. The contagious insanity of the cancel culture that is destroying our history" (Eclectica, 2020).