The misunderstanding about "true communism" and the traditional family
The original communism of Marx and Engels is a true ante-litteram feminism, corrected only " in progress" by dictators such as Stalin, in a sense that appears almost "fascist"
The original communism of Marx and Engels is a true ante-litteram feminism, corrected only " in progress" by dictators such as Stalin, in a sense that appears almost "fascist"
The media spin-offs of Esselunga's "The Peach" commercial and the Giambruno affair show how our society has taken an increasingly self-centered turn, a sign of adolescent thinking that fails to become adult.
In Italy, a commercial is at the center of controversy. It tells about a little girl who tries to bring peace between divorced parents. Those who contest this commercial hate concord, hate peace and harmony. But the sowers of discord were detested both by the Gospel and by pagan civilization.