The Machiavelli Center for Political and Strategic Studies, in its efforts to follow up and deepen the points raised in the last Machiavelli Culture Conference, invites proposals for papers for one or more symposium days to be held in Rome during 2023 and 2024. The goal is to involve and stimulate those who identify with a national and conservative culture to produce original thinking on issues that will characterize our political-cultural proposal in the coming years.

Contributors in their papers should answer one or more questions within a single topic from the following:

Italian identity

  • Is national identity a social construction or an intrinsic reality?
  • What are the elements (cultural, traditional, historical, values, etc.) that make up Italian national identity?
  • How can national identity be preserved in the age of mass immigration?
  • How does national identity relate to the local and particular identities of Italy and how does it relate to being part of the European and Western dimensions?

Cultural hegemony

  • How has the Left's cultural hegemony been historically established? How does it manifest itself today?
  • How is it possible to develop alternatives to the existing cultural hegemony?
  • Is it appropriate to try to build a right-wing cultural hegemony?

Cultural industry

  • How and why does the culture industry promote "progressive" values and models?
  • How do you build a national, conservative cultural industry?
  • What communication themes and modes should be adopted?

Alternative narrative

  • What should be the fundamental principles of the Right in the 21st century?
  • Which narrative can be opposed from the right to the "progressive" one?
  • Which messages and values can break through to today's youth?
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CONTRIBUTIONS PROPOSAL: Papers can be proposed through the dedicated form, indicating which of the four topics they refer to. The proposal should include a title, a summary of about 1500-2000 characters (including spaces), and a resume of the proponent. It is not necessary to send the contribution in full at this stage.


For accepted proposals, the full contribution will be required to be submitted one month prior to the holding of the relevant workshop, ensuring at least 45 days' notice of that deadline. The contribution may consist of a written text (15-30,000 characters) or other type (video, presentation, infographic, etc.), as long as it can comprehensively and effectively develop what is anticipated in the summary.

AWARDS: For the most distinguished contributions, publication on behalf of the Centro Studi Machiavelli may be proposed. In addition, in order to encourage the participation of young people and those who do not have regular income, there will be a prize of €300 for the best full paper, at the sole discretion of a special committee to be appointed by the Centro Studi Machiavelli.