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N.B.: a differenza di quanto inizialmente comunicato, l’evento si terrà alle ore 14.

In a phase in which the unity of the Italian Center-Right coalition appears weakened, the proposal has been raised to take action with a radical measure: imitate the American model and create a large unitary party, capable of bringing together moderates, conservatives and sovereignists in a common house. Importing, again from the U.S., the system of primaries, which would ensure internal pluralism and turnover of elites.

Discussing this scenario will be the journalist and essayist Daniele Capezzone ("La Verità"), Stefano Graziosi (Researcher of the Centro Studi Machiavelli) and Daniele Scalea (President of the Centro Studi Machiavelli). During the conference, a new "Dossier del Machiavelli" will also be presented, in which the functioning of the American Republican Party is illustrated.

Il convegno si terrà martedì 22 marzo 2022, dalle ore 14 alle ore 15.30, presso la Sala Salvadori del Palazzo dei Gruppi (Camera dei Deputati), in Via Uffici del Vicario 21. Per poter partecipare è richiesta l’iscrizione (entro le ore 12 di lunedì 21 marzo) al seguente link.

N.B.: According to the law and the regulations of the host institution, regardless of the views of Centro Studi Machiavelli, participants will be required to have an ID card, a valveless FFP2 mask and an enhanced green certification (so-called "Super Green Pass").


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