Woke weekly bullettin #1
Wokeist weekly bullettin #1. From "suprematish whomever read" to the inclusive subways, from the outlawing of goliardy to the patriarchate at the Opera, ending to the genderless parents.
Di Emanuele Mastrangelo e Enrico Petrucci|2024-04-16T09:35:10+02:0018 February 2024|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Le wokkate della settimana|Tag: bagni genderfluid, Genitore 1 e 2, Italia, Opera, spagna, uk, Usa, wokeismo|0 Commenti
Wokeist weekly bullettin #1. From "suprematish whomever read" to the inclusive subways, from the outlawing of goliardy to the patriarchate at the Opera, ending to the genderless parents.