Nicolás Gómez Dávila: 30 years after the death of a counterrevolutionary
Thirty years ago Nicolás Gómez Dávila passed away: conservative, traditionalist, Catholic, counterrevolutionary, aristocratic Colombian thinker.
Thirty years ago Nicolás Gómez Dávila passed away: conservative, traditionalist, Catholic, counterrevolutionary, aristocratic Colombian thinker.
The survival horror "Bird Box Barcelona" distributed by Netflix is suitable for a Catholic slant. An oddball in the woke programming of the California-based TV entertainment battleship, where LGBT, immigrant and anti-Christian themes dominate.
Elizabeth II of Windsor, Pope Ratzinger and Silvio Berlusconi: three protagonists of our times and interpreters - in their own way - of political, institutional and spiritual traditions with deep roots. They passed away within a few months, and now the world is different.
In TV series, in music, young people today are passionate about genres that talk about physical strength, group loyalty, community, courage, verticality. Cleansed of the criminal setting, what remains are traditional values.
Two weeks ago, the Machiavelli Center compiled a list of 13 fundamental principles that should guide the MPs who will be elected on September 25. We are pleased to announce those that, with thousands of votes cast, were chosen by our readers as the six priority guidelines.
"Conservare l'anima" is an excellent spiritual manual for those who want to be revolutionaries. It teaches, among other things, that it is not enough to conserve but one must know how to defend: literally, to repel the enemy. In politics, knowing how to oppose a counter-narrative, an alternative vision of the world.
La cancellazione del ricordo di chi siamo stati in chi verrà dopo di noi è l'atto finale della cancellazione di ogni civiltà, in quell’ottica progressista che nasconde un costante regresso, ben raffigurata dal tentativo di banalizzare se non di cancellare il concetto di “Dio, Patria e Famiglia”.
La tradizione è la base dalla quale l’uomo deve innalzarsi, l’accumularsi di esperienze culturali condivise. Bisogna pacificare e far dialogare tra loro tradizione e cambiamento , stabilità e avanzamento, in quanto co-creatori di quel primate difettoso chiamato uomo
Quella che comincia ora è una nuova traversata del deserto, la cui meta può essere però la terra promessa. L'agognata ricompensa si può ottenere riuscendo a rinsaldare e compattare quell'elettorato italiano che pare più in sintonia con le proposte della Destra