13 Oct 2022

Smart working: a boomerang for equal opportunity and social inclusion

Di Sheila Soprani|2022-10-13T15:51:38+02:0013 October 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Economia e Società|Tag: , , , , |3 Commenti

Those who daily measure themselves with the difficulties due to the non-accessibility of corporate platforms, which, almost never, can be called "friendly," of screen readers, know very well that, with the promotion of working from home, an additional disparity has been created.

18 Jul 2020

The day after (?). Hyperconnected and distanced in an age of angst

Di Antonio Bellizzi di San Lorenzo|2021-06-10T14:50:14+02:0018 July 2020|Categories: Dossier|Tag: , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

"The day after (?). Iperconnessi e distanziati in un'epoca di angoscia" è il venticinquesimo Dossier del Machiavelli, redatto da Antonio Bellizzi di San Lorenzo (Università di Firenze).

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