Top-Read and Most-Watched in 2023
Here is a roundup of the ten most-read articles on our blog in 2023. These articles captured the interest of our readers and we highly recommend them!
Here is a roundup of the ten most-read articles on our blog in 2023. These articles captured the interest of our readers and we highly recommend them!
Actor and director Bradley Cooper has been accused of "anti-Semitism" for the stage makeup he used to play Leonard Bernstein in the biopic dedicated to the Maestro. But Bernstein's children and the ADL have come to his defense.
How did political correctness come about? What are the historical, social and cultural roots of such a disturbing phenomenon? Those who have tried to give an answer is Francesco Erario in his first book, "Woke. The Birth of a New Ideology," published by Idrovolante.
Many are the prophecies attributed to the Simpsons series. But there is a phenomenon that they were certainly able to intercept in unsuspected times, when it still aroused little attention, and that today is a much discussed topic: the woke ideology in American (and not only) universities.
One of the new "sins" imposed in the public debate by the extreme third-worldist left is that of so-called "cultural appropriation": that is, when whites seem to imitate in some way the customs and traditions of non-European ethnic groups.
Never, in Europe, had philosophy been judged useless. Bended, amputated, censored, often even vilified and accused of intellectualism, philosophy has continued to be taught even in the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. In today's Europe, on the contrary, they want to erase it. Why?
The University of Melbourne has awarded six honorary doctorates. The awardees would have one "fault": that of being all male and white. The Snow Medical Research Foundation, one of Australia's largest non-profit organizations that funds medical research, has severed all ties with the university.
I sostenitori dell'ideologia gender si preparano a tornare alla carica, dopo il fallimento del Ddl Zan. Questo perché il concetto di "identità di genere" ha un'importanza cardinale nei progetti della Sinistra.
La “cancel culture”, che abbatte statue e brucia libri per cancellare la storia e le tradizioni dell’Occidente, minaccia di attecchire anche in Italia. Bisogna affrettarsi a correre ai ripari, anche con le misure suggerite da Nathan Greppi nell'ultimo “Dossier del Machiavelli”.