I nuovi scenari bellici e geopolitici
Quella che stiamo attraverso, col sovrapporsi di tante gravi crisi, assomiglia a una tempesta perfetta, in cui i Paesi europei faticano a navigare prima di tutto per mancanza di consapevolezza e volontà.
Quella che stiamo attraverso, col sovrapporsi di tante gravi crisi, assomiglia a una tempesta perfetta, in cui i Paesi europei faticano a navigare prima di tutto per mancanza di consapevolezza e volontà.
The end of French dominance in Africa opens many questions: from geopolitical ones to the issue of the millions of immigrants to Europe from former French colonies, who have not integrated and risk becoming a social bomb.
The end of the unipolar order puts Italy in front of the need for a more pragmatic foreign policy toward China, also to deal with its own domestic structural problems.
The competition between major powers shows no signs of appeasing. Between internal problems and external deficits, the United States is slowly losing momentum and initiative in the game for multipolar transition. The polycrises of previous years are bound to give rise to a permacrisis.
With the inclusion of Sweden and Finland and Erdogan's more recent political turns in Turkey, NATO is preparing to close the anti-Russian cordon from Baltic to Black Sea: a geopolitical move rooted in the political and historical realities of the territories involved.
At the end of the Cold War, the widespread expectation was that the Western political, economic and cultural model would become established on a global scale. Thirty years later, that prediction has turned out to be completely wrong.
NATO deluded and then abandoned Ukraine. Beyond the moralizing, Putin wins. While NATO loses Ukraine and - more importantly - Russia in one fell swoop. Perhaps it is time to rethink the overall strategy?
Speciale a cura del Centro Studi Machiavelli. Aggiornamenti e analisi sulla situazione.
Venti di guerra soffiano sull'Ucraina. La concentrazione di forze russe lungo il confine ha fatto denunciare da più parti il pericolo di un'invasione e mobilitare la NATO. Sullo sfondo un Paese già da anni diviso e in conflitto, col Donbass separatista e la Crimea riannessa da Mosca. A cosa dobbiamo prepararci?