27 October 2023 @ 11:30 - 12:30
For some years now, China has been recruiting former Western military pilots for advisory and training missions. This has raised concern and reactions from more than one government, fearful that the communist regime may take over air power doctrines, strategies and tactics. The affair is analyzed by Pietro Orizio in the "MachiavelliDossier" entitled Piloti occidentali al servizio della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Casi, pericoli e contromisure.
The dossier will be presented at the Chamber of Deputies, in the Press Room of Palazzo Montecitorio (Via della Missione 4, Rome), on Friday, October 27, 2023 at 11:30 am.
The author, Pietro Orizio (journalist for "Analisi Difesa"), Hon. Paolo Formentini (Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee) and Daniele Scalea (President of Centro Studi Machiavelli) will be speaking.
Registration is required to attend (click to fill out the form otherwise send us an e-mail) by noon of the day before the conference.
The event is made possible through the support of the Augustus Foundation.