29 Sep 2023

Family unity is a blasphemy for who that worships the Goddess of Discord

Di Emanuele Mastrangelo|2023-09-29T00:47:42+02:0029 September 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

In Italy, a commercial is at the center of controversy. It tells about a little girl who tries to bring peace between divorced parents. Those who contest this commercial hate concord, hate peace and harmony. But the sowers of discord were detested both by the Gospel and by pagan civilization.

15 Sep 2023

The politics of homosexuality. A conservative perspective

Di Daniele Scalea|2023-09-15T12:21:34+02:0015 September 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , , , |3 Commenti

There are two different types of homosexuality: the attraction that, for mainly physiological reasons, a minority of people feel toward subjects of the same sex and homosexuality as a political project.

5 Sep 2023

Foxegenders and gender-minotaurs: is a new gender insanity coming?

Di Enrico Petrucci|2023-09-05T12:52:03+02:005 September 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

From the United States comes a new gender insanity: that of "genders" linked to animals, mythological archetypes or even "on a term basis" and depending on location, complete with emoji-pronouns...

24 May 2023

Gender comes to Rome's kindergartens. And it will be compulsory

Di Emanuele Mastrangelo|2023-05-29T18:01:54+02:0024 May 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , , , |1 Commento

The 'gender theory' a.k.a. 'deconstructivism' arrives as the official and compulsory guideline of the municipality of Rome for the education of children in kindergartens and nursery schools. Families and teachers fear that a forcibly rainbow model of education will be imposed on them, using the Trojan horse of the 'fight against stereotypes'.

16 Mar 2023

The euthanasia of Genevieve Lhermitte: justice or economy?

Di Lorenzo Bernasconi|2023-03-16T12:51:20+01:0016 March 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

It is difficult to empathize with a mother who almost exterminated her own family. However, the very enormity and absurdity of her insane act dictate deep reflection, without indulging in purely emotional reactions.

26 Jan 2023

In Norway, feminists now face jail time

Di Enrico Petrucci|2023-01-26T15:50:37+01:0026 January 2023|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Commenti

In Norway, an update to the criminal code has been introduced regarding "hate crimes" based on gender identity and expression, which has begun to claim prominent victims among feminists in contrast to a certain trans narrative.

15 Dec 2022

Scottish government defeats feminists: now males too can be women

Di Enrico Petrucci|2022-12-15T18:00:17+01:0015 December 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , , |1 Commento

Not even in Old Europe is the "definition of a woman" now a "simple and affordable" thing. This is demonstrated in Scotland, where the question of what a woman legally is ended up in court when a group of old-fashioned feminists sued the Scottish government. 

12 Dec 2022

Nativity scene? Here's what's happening in Italian preschools

Di Emanuele Mastrangelo|2023-05-29T18:02:25+02:0012 December 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , |0 Commenti

It happens in a Rome preschool. Some teachers at the municipal institution seized and hid from view a Nativity scene that a little girl had brought for her classmates. Teachers and janitors locked themselves in a stubborn secrecy.

24 Nov 2022

Balenciaga goofed on BDSM plush bears and child porn hints

Di Daniele Scalea|2022-11-24T11:17:12+01:0024 November 2022|Categories: Commenti e opinioni, Famiglia e Infanzia|Tag: , , , |1 Commento

If you only get your information from the mainstream media, chances are you are wondering what is going on with the Balenciaga fashion brand. Children? Child abuse? What is the statement released by Balenciaga referring to? And why did it empty its Instagram profile?

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