After the unexpected and enormous success of The world upside down, Roberto Vannacci is back in bookstores with “Courage Wins, his autobiography published by Piemme. Immediately panned by ideologically hostile reviewers as "useless“, “ridiculous", even hostile to psychiatric patients (!), this new work by General Vannacci is actually an enjoyable read, retracing an undoubtedly exceptional life (how often does one get to join special forces, become a general, and then an author of bestsellers?). The Author, knowingly, doesn’t wear a mask of modesty or humility: to stay true to his direct and candid style, he highlights every success and achievement. It’s a bit Trumpian bravado (if we want to find an equivalent in politics, where perhaps the General will soon land), a bold style capable of infuriating detractors and exalting admirers. I believe Vannacci was well aware of this while writing, and he relished imagining the enthusiasm of some and the annoyance of others.

Courage Wins, however, is not just a biographical story. Here and there the Author has scattered short reflections. They are often lapidary sentences, or developed in a few sentences, but which stand out within the work for their depth.

We have selected some of these reflections contained in the book. Here they are.

roberto vannacci, centro studi machiavelli

Roberto Vannacci at our presentation of “The world upside down” in Figline Valdarno.

On the art of command

I am surrounded by so many responsibilities that I struggle to distinguish the essential from the residual. I focus precisely on this aspect, which is the key to leadership. If I understand what truly matters, the rest falls into place.

The important thing is to instill enthusiasm, hope, security and knowledge. The base falters if it senses weakness at the top. This is one of the first lessons learned in leading others.

On facing adverse moments

When you’re facing difficulties, you must believe that your moment will come sooner or later. But you need to be clear-headed and determined to seize it, strong enough to make the most of it.

On fear

Fear is a friend that keeps you alive; when it turns into panic, it can destroy you.

roberto vannacci, centro studi machiavelli

Roberto Vannacci at our presentation of “The world upside down” in Figline Valdarno.

On not going backwards

Changing positions means introducing inconsistency into the overall narrative and providing an opening, a vulnerability for those who seek to undermine everything.

On tradition

We often think of traditions as old, crystallized expressions of knowledge. However, they are actually some of the best things humanity has produced, enduring across time.


One General's book is making Italy debate

Are you interested in Courage Wins by Roberto Vannacci? Don't miss the presentation on Friday 19 April in Florence!

roberto vannacci a firenze, centro studi machiavelli, 19 aprile 2024