
“If I were President, Israel would have never been attacked. As soon as I was forced out with a rigged election.[…] Biden took the sanctions off. Iran went back to levels that they’ve never seen before, more than they’ve ever done.”[1]

Former American President Donald Trump issued a stern warning against Iran in his speech at CPAC 2024, the annual conference of American conservatives, where he harshly criticized Biden’s foreign policy, particularly towards Iran.

Trump stated that if he had been president, Israel would never have been attacked, and he accused Biden of lifting sanctions on Iran,, allowing it to return to levels never seen before, more than it has ever done.

These words are not just a provocation or an electoral move, but they reflect a worrying and unsettling reality. Iran has long been considered one of the main challenges to the security and stability of the Middle East and the world. The theocratic regime in Tehran not only pursues a controversial and potentially dangerous nuclear program but also supports a network of armed groups and militias operating in various countries in the region, such as Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and the Gaza Strip. These groups, often in conflict with US interests and allies, have demonstrated their ability to launch deadly attacks against military and civilian targets using drones, missiles, rockets, and naval mines.

Trump has always had a clear and decisive vision of the danger Iran poses to the Western world. He demonstrated this during his tenure by imposing severe economic sanctions on Iran and ordering the killing of General Soleimani. He reiterated this stance in his speech, accusing Biden of being weak and irresponsible towards Iran. Instead of countering Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, Biden’s administration seems to ignore or downplay them. Biden has never expressed a clear and coherent line on the Iranian issue, showing evident difficulty in managing one of the most delicate and urgent dossiers for US national security and Middle East stability. This lack of leadership is worrying because it leaves the field open for Iran to pursue its interests at the expense of those of the United States and its allies.

Trump is aware of this evolving threat and Biden administration’s reluctance to address it, but are we Europeans and especially Italians really aware of it? Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni met with US President Joe Biden in Washington on March 1, 2024[2], where Biden praised her key role as an ally on the international stage, thanking her not only in words but also with an embarrassing kiss on the forehead at the end of the meeting. A gesture that did not go unnoticed, especially in the eyes of the American conservative wing, which harshly criticized Meloni. Fox News accused her of being Biden’s ‘buddy’ and of betraying her anti-globalist spirit. Meloni’s electoral base expressed disappointment and threatened not to vote for her anymore.

Meloni’s shift from anti-globalist to pro-Europe, Biden buddy infuriates base: ‘Will not vote for her anymore’”[4]

The kiss, far from being just an inappropriate gesture by a sitting president, symbolically represents a strong closeness between Italy and the United States under Biden’s leadership, and in the eyes of the Arab world, this certainly does not go unnoticed. If, in fact, the aging president seems reluctant to name the unnameable Iran, Iranian media are equally unrelenting in depicting Biden bloodied and bruised on the front pages of newspapers like Hamshahri – one of the main Iranian outlets close to the Islamic regime – labeling him the “punching bag of the region,” about a month ago.

Or in more recent news, just three days ago, its front page was titled against President Joe Biden, on the occasion of the parliamentary elections in Iran. The headline read: ‘A 25-million slap to those who called for the boycott of the elections’ – referring to the voter turnout, of over 25 million[5], or about 41% of eligible voters – next to a cartoon showing a ballot hitting Biden in the face.”

European and especially national politics, which have chosen ‘crooked Biden’ as the leader of the West in its battles, should not ignore these facts because soon we could be the targets of Iranian cartoons. And a regime’s media doesn’t send casual messages.

These are just some examples of how Iran is trying to exploit Biden’s weakness and indecision and his administration to assert its role as a regional power and challenge to the world order. The Tehran regime has never hidden its intentions to destroy Israel, expand its influence in the Middle East, and threaten Western interests and values. It should also be remembered that it has never respected international agreements on its nuclear program and continues to develop weapons of mass destruction and support terrorism. Iran has never abandoned its fundamentalist ideology and internal repression and continues to violate human rights and fundamental freedoms, but why does Europe, champion of rights, remain inert?

In conclusion, we can say that Iran is a crucial challenge for Italy, Europe, and the world, which requires a clear and decisive response from the international community. We cannot afford to ignore or underestimate the threat that Iran poses to our security and our values. We must be aware of the risks we face and find the voice to oppose firmly and determinedly, instead of continuing to follow those who remain silent or, worse, transmit weakness and fear. The next global balance of power is at stake. Without forgetting to be in solidarity with our allies, especially Israel, which has always been at the forefront of countering a regime like Tehran, ensuring the defense of our civilization and our security. We must be consistent with our principles and not yield to the flattery or pressures of those who want to be lenient or do business with a regime that does not respect the rules and values of the international community.

In this sense, we must recognize that Trump was right when he denounced the danger that Iran posed to the world and when he imposed severe sanctions and forceful measures to counter its nuclear and regional ambitions. Trump was right to oppose the nuclear deal with Iran, which he considered a historic mistake and an unacceptable concession. Trump was right to defend Israel, our closest and most reliable ally in the region.

Trump was right, and we should pay more attention to the words, those spoken and those unspoken. We should be braver and more determined in defending our interests and values, and in countering the threats and challenges that come from Iran and other hostile actors. We should be more united and more supportive of allies who share our vision and mission.

[1] Youtube





alice carrazza
Alice Carrazza
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Communication manager of the Centro Studi Machiavelli. A graduate in International Relations, she is currently pursuing a second degree in Political Science, International Security and Public Communication.