The following is a translation of the preface that Miklós Szánthó, president of the Hungarian Center for Fundamental Rights, wrote for the Hungarian edition of Daniele Scalea's (president of Centro Studi Machiavelli) book "Immigration: the reasons of the populists." The book was presented in Budapest last October.

migracio libro di daniele scaleaDear Reader!

"Have more children! Stop mass migration! European nations can find ways to solve the population crisis only at home, because population imports are not the answer to anything" - this is one of several common-sense things this volume communicates to us.

Why? The 21st century has inherited many of the social problems of the 20th. One of these is the European demographic problem with its many consequences. We cannot yet say with absolute certainty what is the cause of the distorted perspective of "modern" Western man - see the reference to the child as a "harmful carbon footprint" - but one thing is certain: we Hungarians have already said, well in advance, that forcing immigration into a melting pot, mixing foreign cultures, will have negative and harmful effects for all. And 50 years ago, Jean Raspail's dystopian novel The Camp of the Saints warned French and continental politics of what was slowly becoming a reality: total multiculturalism, when parallel societies would subjugate European civilization. The book in the reader's hand, albeit from the perspective of another nation, comes to the same conclusion (as do the Hungarians): we must say no to mass migration!

Questa migrazione è uno dei problemi più minacciosi del nostro tempo. Inoltre, ci sono forze politiche che incoraggiano deliberatamente tale processo dannoso, che è crudele non solo per i Paesi ospitanti, ma anche per le nazioni di provenienza e spesso per gli stessi migranti.
Daniele Scalea addresses these and other issues in his superbly written, readable yet profound volume. He argues that the horror felt by many Europeans in the face of the migration crisis is very reasonable and based on a proper understanding of the demographic, cultural, economic, social and public safety implications of the crisis.

Add to that, Russia's war against Ukraine has brought us into a much more dangerous era, and the liberal mainstream media, which seeks to cage the world, is further stimulating migration flows from remote parts of the world through deepening economic and supply difficulties and misguided sanctions policies. Meanwhile, the federalist elite, engaged in the feverish construction of the "United States of Europe," by increasingly brutal means demands the redistribution of migrants and the creation of ghettos in Hungary.

But if mass immigration is truly and visibly harmful, how did the natural immune response of Western European public opinion weaken? Why didn't the Spanish, French, Germans, and Italians revolt when they saw how the massive influx of immigrants, with no need for integration, led to increasing problems and even outright riots, as we saw in the streets of French cities?
The author of this book, founder and president of the Italian Centro Machiavelli, tries to answer the question. He himself together with his colleagues is doing important work in the European Right to help our continent return to the path of common sense. For this to happen, it will require a united front from the trinity of "God, homeland, family," stretching from Lisbon to Vilnius; because one or two victories of the Right cannot bring the Union, set on the road to self-destruction, back to the narrow path of peace, prudence and Judeo-Christian ethics. Conservative successes are needed throughout Europe. That is why, in the spirit of international cooperation among national forces, the Center for Fundamental Rights has brought this book, written with Italian pen, to Hungarian readers. I trust that my friend Daniele's book, written with captivating honesty and overwhelming logic, will not only be read with profit, but also make everyone realize the truth of populists!

miklos szantho
Miklós Szánthó
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General director of Alapjogokért Központ (Center for Fundamental Rights) in Budapest. President of KESMA (Central European Press and Media Foundation). Graduate jurist at Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary).