by Pietro Polieri

It generates much more than simple perplexity to think that the Palestinian question, so important, serious and thorny, has resurrected in the consciences of many young people and many Western intellectuals, at a national, European and global level, not on the basis of a real interest structural, in relation to it, of a juridical-internationalistic or humanitarianistic type, if anything made manifest and public over time, or even as the outcome, for example, of a clear, continuous and uninterrupted, and completely praiseworthy, effort of scientific-academic study or of associative-philanthropic commitment with respect to the difficult and complex existential-geographical-settlement condition of a people-without-a-State, but starting from an act of unprecedented barbarism, carried out knowingly and scientifically by a terrorist and religiously oriented (pseudo-)political group like Hamas. Which a large part of these 'supporters' not only hesitate to admit, but even deny that they possess such an extremist, violent and inhuman, 'ISIS-like' nature and matrix, to recognize, on the contrary, their ability to 'legitimate/legal' expression of a natural Palestinian right to anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish resistance. In fact, with the specious theoretical and practical-political umbrella argument of 'de-colonization' and the material opportunity of a fight against the Zionist oppressor, academics and protagonists of the cultural world, especially from the French area, but also Anglo-Saxon - and, now, widely, also Italian - applaud, without reservation or restraint, the 'military' (?) action of Hamas, which they judge, on the one hand, as a form of rebellion 'logically' and 'rightly' consequent on a series of Israeli acts of abuse and harassment towards the Palestinians over time, for another, as a material manifestation of a de-imperialisation process, which - according to them - certainly could not be thought of as remaining on a purely and unprofitable abstractness. In short, through a simple operation of slipping and sliding from the 'real' platform of the concrete crude atrocity of the violence perpetrated against completely defenseless people incapable of even imagining what it meant to defend oneself with force, to the 'neutral' platform of discourse philosophical-political-ideological within which they wanted to 'intellectually' frame the massacre of October 7th, such 'progressive' scholars and experts have achieved such a devitalization of the 'gore' and bloody 'ferocity' of the organization as anti-Semitic by statute as its 'historical-scientific' 'normalisation', which has gradually caressed and corroborated the sweetened and epic image of a heroic 'legitimate' action of resistance. Which then became, easily and without filters of any kind, the conditional premise and the fundamental basis for the slogans of the streets, Western and otherwise, pro-Palestinian. Which, also thanks to the speed and timeliness of the very harsh Israeli armed response, immediately and completely transferred and made the latter absorb the 'ancestral', 'primordial', 'primitive' violence of Hamas, even managing, in addition to forget immediately and radically the bestial ruthlessness of the terrorists, above all to transform and overthrow, in the general narrative and in the collective imagination - already in themselves latently, if not visibly, inclined towards anti-Zionism and, by dilation, towards anti-Israelism – Tel Aviv's military operation goes from a 'counteroffensive' 'response' to an 'offensive initiative', with all the load of 'original' responsibilities that this interpretation brings with it. Thus configuring a decisive edge for a paradoxical yet real construction of a transversal, Western/Middle Eastern representation of Israel as an enemy of peace and cause of international instability, and of the Palestinians and their 'anti-Israeli-Jewish' cause, conducted 'excellently' by Hamas (a group, therefore, to be considered anti-colonialist and certainly not terrorist!), as that resistive human side with which to be, regardless, in solidarity.

It has been clearly seen, therefore - thus taking up the thread of the initial argument - that there has been a contingent and sudden rekindling of feelings for the Palestinian territorial wound, outside of a regular or ordinary, serious and progressive taking charge, of the related age-old question, which perhaps we had even forgotten about, or which has never been, or had become less and less so, a priority for some of those who 'now' - almost as if 'yesterday' was not equally so - consider it fundamental in itself or essential for regional-Middle Eastern balances or even decisive for the stability of the entire terrestrial ecumene. And, what's more, harbinger – you get to bet! – of unprecedented scenarios, chaotic and ungovernable, of a new, third world war, which, as a hypothesized reality and as a supposed beyond-political concept, seems, in truth, too cheerfully and indiscriminately to be dancing, for some time and with insistence – perhaps you crave it? –, a macabre dance on the foolish mouths of its reckless invokers, especially those in the media. We know too well, however, that at the right moment, once the international spotlight has ceased, unfortunately the Palestinians and their cardinal problems will once again be condemned to reconquer, more easily than a stable land of settlement, the oblivion of their occasional, or clockwork , political-moral allies and defenders (always precautionally) at a (due) distance (from the battlefield), animated fighters from the streets or from the living room or from talk shows in their homeland as they have (always been)! When, on the contrary, the controversial Palestinian situation would duly deserve constant and structural/structured attention and political-diplomatic convergence on the part of the Western states and the moderate Muslim countries of the Arab quadrant (as well as, by necessity, those, so say, less 'dialogical' than that and other geographical areas), and certainly not to continue talking about it endlessly, but to identify a compromise and definitive territorial solution. Therefore, having left the yellow-blue flag in a corner of one's home, more than a few months ago now, when the spotlights of television news, the Internet and printed paper on the Russian-Ukrainian war were turned off, and immediately taking up the four-coloured Palestinian one, on the occasion of the resumption, at certain levels of violence, and also and above all of the relaunch by the media of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which until that moment had been completely set aside and placed in the darkest oblivion, the protagonists of all the demonstrations 'for -absolute good-and-against-evil' and of every procession 'for-the-just-wars/causes-of-anyone', have decided to take to the streets, this time, with 'friends' Muslims, of every possible ethnic declination, in some important European and extra-continental cities or metropolises, to ask, together with the ceasefire in the Middle East, or rather, rather than this - which turns out to be a good and right thing! –, mainly the extinction of the State of Israel, repeatedly defined as fascist or Nazi, depending on the different critical sensitivities in action. Therefore to ask, ultimately and paradoxically, for the end of a territorial conflict and the castration of the exacerbation of now bi-frontal brutalities through the equally violent, total and definitive annihilation of another ethno-territorial group. The Israeli-Jewish one, for which, if anything, having arrived on January 27th of each year, they beat their chests, renew the Holocaust memory in solidarity and exalt the historic state solution for that 'wandering people', who were in the process of violent unnatural extinction.

The problem, however - is clarified immediately, to avoid useless and partisan or politically correct misunderstandings, which could undermine a reflection which, on the contrary, here is intended to be honest, calm and complex, but also determined - , it is not that it is regrettable that some want to take part in a cause, such as the Palestinian one, which they believe, in their own unquestionable judgment, to be just and sustainable, from both a political and moral point of view, but that they work in this direction by aligning themselves perfectly and associating materially, politically and culturally, in those pro-Palestinian squares - without ever having been pro-Israeli due to the simultaneous and combined massacres carried out by Hamas against innocent civilians - with subjects who loudly and proudly claim a vital and essential link with this terrorist group, and which require, for the solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the annihilation of the Jewish-Israeli people. In fact, loudly demanding a land for the Palestinians must not, necessarily, coincide with the demand for the annihilation of the State of Israel and of all the Jews, who in their own way, compliant or critical, inhabit it. Wanting this greatly shifts the bar and the very nature of the claims and builds a clear link between the traditional Western anti-Zionist progressive intellectualism and the anti-Semitism/anti-Israelism constitutive of some Islamic extremist groups, whose offshoots and human megaphones present in the various national, European and non-European contexts are evidently representing the connective tissue of the pro-Palestine protests and are inoculating and strategically conveying within them the need to progressively raise the rate of animosity, of bitterness and hatred towards the Jewish-Israeli element. As visible in many recent journalistic films of street protests, from which individuals of self-expressed Muslim religion clearly emerge, inciting the crowds and pushing for an increase in the radicality and vehemence of dissent, dissatisfied and embittered by the low level of resentment and aversion for everything that has to do with the Semitic dimension, from Jewish identity to Israeli statehood.

IN WHIRLWIND AND STORM. Israel between war and political stalemate

The problem, however - is clarified immediately, to avoid useless and partisan or politically correct misunderstandings, which could undermine a reflection which, on the contrary, here is intended to be honest, calm and complex, but also determined - , it is not that it is regrettable that some want to take part in a cause, such as the Palestinian one, which they believe, in their own unquestionable judgment, to be just and sustainable, from both a political and moral point of view, but that they work in this direction by aligning themselves perfectly and associating materially, politically and culturally, in those pro-Palestinian squares - without ever having been pro-Israeli due to the simultaneous and combined massacres carried out by Hamas against innocent civilians - with subjects who loudly and proudly claim a vital and essential link with this terrorist group, and which require, for the solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the annihilation of the Jewish-Israeli people. In fact, loudly demanding a land for the Palestinians must not, necessarily, coincide with the demand for the annihilation of the State of Israel and of all the Jews, who in their own way, compliant or critical, inhabit it. Wanting this greatly shifts the bar and the very nature of the claims and builds a clear link between the traditional Western anti-Zionist progressive intellectualism and the anti-Semitism/anti-Israelism constitutive of some Islamic extremist groups, whose offshoots and human megaphones present in the various national, European and non-European contexts are evidently representing the connective tissue of the pro-Palestine protests and are inoculating and strategically conveying within them the need to progressively raise the rate of animosity, of bitterness and hatred towards the Jewish-Israeli element. As visible in many recent journalistic films of street protests, from which individuals of self-expressed Muslim religion clearly emerge, inciting the crowds and pushing for an increase in the radicality and vehemence of dissent, dissatisfied and embittered by the low level of resentment and aversion for everything that has to do with the Semitic dimension, from Jewish identity to Israeli statehood.

It should be remembered, however, to today's 'Western' supporters of the Palestinian cause that the association, in intentions, in theory and in the streets, with such 'Hamas repeaters' and the marriage with their destructive aims means approving and assuming automatically the same operational program of the members of that terrorist movement, consisting in targeting Israel not only as the political and religious enemy par excellence, but above all as a symbol of the West, considered by those to be degenerate, immoral and unfaithful, that is, hostile to the form that Islam would like to give to individual and collective human existence, and of which they themselves are part, the pro-Palestinian 'fans', who, therefore, self-harmingly, support them. Which is why, paradoxically and contradictorily, the Western screamers of the end of Israel, immersed as they are in the seething extemporaneous emotionality of the 'war for peace' in the Middle East and of the fight against ultra-Zionism/ultra-rightism, not only Netanyahu, but, by extension, of all Israelis as such and also as Jews (!), they do not realize, clouded by anger and political (-religious) prejudice, that they are sharing what they consider to be a just battle with those who despise the their culture and customs in a profound way. And who are largely taking advantage of that Western self-hatred - which today passes for support for Palestine - to nourish division and conflict within democratic and secular societies - already in themselves very torn apart for other reasons internal -, incapable, for their part, of becoming aware of the 'assistance' that they are easily serving to a certain widespread Muslim world, which wants the de-Westernization of the world and its contemporary, total, Islamization. That is, its Muslim mono-religionization and its theo-Islamocratic-centric uni-politicization/uni-statutalization. Thanks to which, then, it may only be a distant and vague memory, and already certainly a crime deserving of adequate punishments, whether corporal and/or capital, the possibility of taking to the streets to protest against regimes and autocracies of any kind, which if anything tomorrow could be represented precisely by Muslim 'comrades' of today's pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

pietro polieri

Laureato in Filosofia (Università degli Studi di Bari ‘Aldo Moro’) e dottore di ricerca in ‘Logos e Rappresentazione’ (Università degli Studi di Siena), già professore a contratto di Cultura e civiltà ebraica (Università degli Studi di Foggia), attualmente è assegnista di ricerca in Filosofia del diritto all’Università degli Studi di Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ con un programma su Intelligenza Artificiale e giustizia predittiva. Inoltre è professore a contratto di Bioetica e filosofia morale presso l’Ateneo barese e di Antropologia filosofica presso l’Università del Salento, oltre che docente di ruolo di Filosofia e Storia nei Licei.