The Center for Fundamental Rights has presented a book that reflects sharply on the events that have shaken all of Europe in recent weeks. The book, entitled “Migration - The Populists Are Right“, written by Daniele Scalea, the President of the Machiavelli Institute, argues that the populists have been proven correct about the dangers of immigration, in contrast to the human rights rhetoric of the progressives. "With mass migration, we have imported the civilizational conflicts and bloodshed of distant countries to Europe," said Péter Törcsi, operative director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, at the book’s launch.
"The past week in Western Europe has been marked by hordes of migrants marching through cities from Berlin to Paris and London, celebrating fanatical terrorists killing innocent civilians - women and children - in Israel. If the European elite still does not understand that mass migration is a security nightmare, they will understand nothing," Péter Törcsi began his opening speech, and continued: "Eight years ago there was a massacre in Paris and they celebrated in the Middle East. Today they killed in Israel and there is a wave of triumph in Europe. Who knows when the tables will be turned again?"
"With mass migration, we have imported the civilizational conflicts and bloodshed of distant countries to Europe," the director emphasized. He believes that "one of the biggest problems afflicting our civilization is that the Western elite suffers from almost total historical amnesia. If they weren't blinded by this affliction, they would be aware of the consequences of the processes that have been going on since 2015. The masters of Europe have lost the ability to see clearly," said Péter Törcsi. "In every major Western city there is already a small Gaza Strip with potential Hamas terrorists. So, the problem is not seeping in now, it is already here," Törcsi stressed. However, "Daniele, our friend, has written this excellent book to reveal the most hidden, obscure processes behind modern migration, because this book was born out of genuine concern for Europe."
Daniele Scalea, the author of the volume, agreed with the Operative Director that "the fact that we are publishing this book in Hungarian is a clear sign that the international cooperation of national forces is working". He also emphasized that "the cooperation between the Machiavelli Institute and the Center for Fundamental Rights goes back several years. The need for cooperation among conservative think tanks is greater today than ever before, as the left-wing globalist power centers occupying the European Union are leading the Old Continent to ruin. But there is a chance for a conservative turn in the 2024 European Parliament elections that can save Europe and put us back on the path of reason," he said, looking to the near future.

Alapjogokert Kozpont
The Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights (Alapjogokért Központ) has been a Hungarian think tank dealing with political and legal analysis since 2013. The Center serves as the main organizer of CPACHungary, the only Conservative Political Action Conference on European soil.
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