
Call it 'gender theory' or more elegantly 'deconstructivism', but get ready to see it as the official and compulsory guideline of the municipality of Rome for the education of children in nurseries and kindergartens.

In fact, the city administration threw off the mask with the compulsory training seminar for the educational staff of municipal facilities entitled 'De-constructing gender stereotypes and educating on emotions and relationships', held on 9 May by speakers Chiara Antoniucci and Sara Marini in front of an audience of 250 municipal educators in attendance and several hundred more via streaming. Two hours and 23 minutes of deconstructionist ideology that exploits the 'fight against discrimination' as a Trojan horse to bring concepts such as 'sex assigned at birth' or 'segregation' into Roman kindergartens when talking about the very natural tendency to divide into 'boys' and 'girls' at primary school. But also books such as the infamous Piccolo Uovo (Little Egg), a real totem of the LGBT agenda, or texts to 'get acquainted with bodies'. Two hours of exposition of a para-scientific ideology, denialist of the natural differences between the two sexes (so much so that this word was pronounced only once - in the aforementioned 'sex attributed at birth' - then constantly, obsessively replaced by 'gender', as if children were adjectives or pronouns in a vocabulary).

The end of the freedom of teaching

The experience with the imposition of deconstructionism in the so-called 'more advanced' countries than Italy makes the blood run cold in the veins: if this ideology becomes the official guideline in the capital's kindergartens, how much discretion will be left to the teachers to be able to continue to work according to traditional, tried and tested and uncontroversial educational methods? In other words, will deconstructionism become compulsory for teachers? A question that was explicitly posed by the writer to councillor Claudia Pratelli. The answer to this question, which only required a 'yes' or 'no' vote, however, came in perfect political terms: of course the Constitution provides for freedom of teaching, but before freedom of teaching, in its Article 3 it also provides for 'the removal of obstacles to the full development of the human person' and 'mandates educational institutions to perform this role'. Conclusion, freedom of teaching has a limit: in 'our schools, no exclusionary mechanisms of any kind have citizenship'.

The Constitution interpretable at will

At that point, Councillor Pratelli dropped the microphone and immediately left the stage, with the help of a large claque (but, it should be noted, certainly not a majority in the audience) whose clamour prevented any further questions from being asked. Questions such as: 'Who defines what an exclusion mechanism is? "Are what you call gender stereotypes, and which for most of humanity are instead the natural differences between males and females, mechanisms of exclusion?" "Should you decide to do as in the 'more advanced' countries and bring drag queens to read gay fairy tales in kindergartens, would a teacher who objected be putting in place an 'exclusion mechanism'?" "Will parents and teachers who want to value the differences between the sexes (the so called 'gender stereotypes') risk disciplinary action?" These are just some of the questions that Councillor Pratelli missed. Questions that remain disturbing, because if the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of teaching continues to be guaranteed by the municipality of Rome to its female educators, adding a postilla that can be interpreted at will by the pro tempore administration at the Campidoglio opens up an abyss of uncertainty and provides carte blanche for legalised ideological mobbing of teaching staff. Which moreover appears totally abandoned by the unions, all aligned and in agreement with the liberal agenda and not at all willing to defend the constitutional rights of workers on this front.

And the agenda marches on...

Meanwhile, the Rome City Council's gender agenda is advancing. It seems that the officials (the old headmasters) of kindergartens and nursery schools will soon be replaced by unspecified 'pedagogues' appointed by the Campidoglio. It is not clear through which selection mechanisms they should take the place of the current officials, also because all the teachers interviewed on this subject showed that they were completely unaware of any competitions announced by the municipality for the recruitment of these figures. At the same time, while the first drag queens are already appearing to read 'fairy tales against bullying' in Roman kindergartens (and the question is: why do you have to read a fairy tale against bullying dressed like that? ) many parents denounce that the agenda, not yet officially launched, already has willing executioners ready to deploy the forced anthropological mutation that it wants to provoke: since 'by now the educational guidelines are being adapted to a broader concept of family' (this is the response of some teachers to the mother of a couple of children) in several Roman kindergartens Father's Day and Mother's Day have been abolished and replaced with a generic 'family day' held on 17 May. A date that coincides, as chance would have it, with the 'day for the fight against homophobia', exactly what would have become an official celebration of the Italian state if the Zan's law proposal had not been scuttled (or rather, temporarily stopped) in Parliament last legislature. More usually than not, what the liberal agendas do not achieve with the democratic vote, is pursued with a slow, but inexorable mechanism of working on the flanks, by activists, local administrations, 'storming judges', interference...

Finally, it should be noted that it is clearer that the project to introduce deconstructionist ideology in municipal kindergartens predates the Gualtieri administration and dates back at least to the Raggi administration. This continuity offers important food for thought on the ideological adherence between the 5 Star Movement and the current 'fuchsia' Capitoline majority (the same colour as the jacket worn by Pratelli during the conference: tout se tient), but also on the ability of this veritable deep state to pursue projects of hegemonisation and socio-cultural engineering even when their political referents are in opposition. A moral slap in the face to those who mask their impotence behind the antiphon of 'it can't be done, they won't let us do it'.

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Editor of the Centro Studi Machiavelli “Belfablog,” Emanuele Mastrangelo is editor-in-chief of “CulturaIdentità” and has been editor-in-chief of “Storia in Rete” since 2006. A military-historical cartographer, he is the author of several books (with Enrico Petrucci, Iconoclastia. La pazzia contagiosa della cancel culture che sta distruggendo la nostra storia e Wikipedia. L'enciclopedia libera e l'egemonia dell'informazione).