The Centro Studi Machiavelli – with its chairman Daniele Scalea and deputy-chairman Guglielmo Picchi – partecipated in CPAC 2023 (Conservative Political Action Conference). CPAC is the leading assembly of Conservative and National movements in the Western world. This year the motto chosen for the conference is "United we stand."
The recording of the conference with Daniele Scalea
Daniele Scalea's speech at CPAC
Media covered the Machiavelli at CPAC:
- Remix
- Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök hivatalos oldala (Prime Minister Viktor Orban's official page)
- Repubblica
- La Notizia
- PolicyMaker
- Il Foglio
- Balaton Zeitung
- Daily News Hungary
- Magyar Hìrlap
- Hungary Matters / 1
- Hungary Matters / 2
- Pesti Srakok
- Magyar Nemzet
- Origo
- Civilek Info
- Magyar Tudat
- Bell Tower
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