In Dossier n. 34 Francesco Erario analyzes the ideology underlying the failed Ddl Zan, highlighting its danger and warning against future attempts to institutionalize that ideology.



transfemminismo istituzionalizzato copertina

The cover

  • The rejection of the Zan DDL represents only a temporary victory in the fight against the institutionalization of transfeminist ideology. Next attempts are already announced.
  • The concept of "gender identity" is understood by gender theorists as a picklock to unhinge the current reality and build a "new" society. To effectively counter the progressive narrative, it is necessary to investigate its doctrinal pillars.
  • Convergences between movements of "posthuman" and "transfeminist" area can be fed by the technical and technological evolution in progress, which the conservative world must take into account.
  • Opposition to the substantive aspects of the Zan Bill and its "strategy" cannot be branded as necessarily motivated by "transphobic" positions. Alternative ways of countering violence that affects certain categories of people can be found.


Dossier 34 - Transfemminismo istituzionalizzato
Francesco Erario
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Bachelor's degree in Communication, Publishing and Journalism (Sapienza University of Rome), Master's degree in Business Communication (University of Salerno), postgraduate course in Economics (University of Parma). He deals with marketing and business development in Italy for a small foreign company. Passionate about sociology, media and politics, he studies the emerging cultural and subcultural phenomena among young westerners.